Sherrington Society

From Magdalen College JCR

The Sherrington Society, described by some as “something sciency involving a Christmas dinner,” is the college’s medical society. We hold regular talks throughout the term, by clinical and scientific leaders of the medical profession as well as others including journalists who provide an alternative lens through which to view our academic field. Each year a new committee is elected by the medics and biomedics, with the responsibility of hosting these talks and welcoming 2 new speakers each term to Magdalen.

Although the subject matter of the talks is aimed primarily at those studying medicine, biomedical sciences, experimental psychology, biochemistry and human sciences, we welcome any member of the university to our talks – both students and teaching staff – as well as members of the public. The talks are free to attend and there are refreshments provided, also free of charge. This year, due to COVID restrictions, the majority of our talks will be held online, something that has, geographically, broadened our horizons in terms of the speakers we have been able to invite. Beyond our talks, we also organise socials including Christmas dinner, crew-dates and curries and in the past have organised mindfulness sessions, providing the perfect means through which students from all years, with a common interest in medicine and medical sciences, can interact with one another. For more information and links to our events, please see our Facebook page, our Instagram page or contact our committee at magdsherringtonsociety "at symbol"