Magdalen College Choir

From Magdalen College JCR

The Choir of men and boys at Magdalen College is one of the three foundation choirs within Oxford University, although most other colleges now have their own choirs. Founded by statute in 1480, provision was made for the eight singing-men, four chaplains and sixteen choristers of Magdalen College Choir.

More recently, an additional four singing men (Academical Clerks) and two Organ Scholars were added to the complement, and this tradition has been maintained to this day. The Choristers are part of the College Foundation, receiving their academic education at Magdalen College School. The Academical Clerks and Organ Scholars are undergraduates at the College, reading for degrees in a variety of subjects.

The Choir sing at least one service in the Chapel daily – you may also be familiar with their role in singing from the top of Magdalen tower at 6am every year on May Morning!

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